OMG…Apartment hunting is HARD!!

So yeah, this whole apartment search is turning out to be a bit more difficult than I thought.  Thankfully I have Jill, she is my new BFF of apartment searching.  I get more emails from her daily than I do from Tiger Direct, and if you get those, you know that is a lot of emails!  I finally had to tell her yesterday to quit sending me listings that were going to send me into heart failure!  The Husband and I almost took the plunge and signed into a lease with what I am sure would be a dream apartment, that is until we got evicted for non-payment!!  So we have decided to resist the brights lights of the Gold Coast and go back to our original dream of Lincoln Park (well my dream, The Husband is a fan because it’s closer to Wrigleyville 😉  So it’s time to email Jill and get a whole new set of listings….where we go again…



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